MD Severine Vermeire third rector candidate for KU Leuven

Severine Vermeire is to run for rector in the upcoming elections. She has no experience in forming university policy yet, but is held in very high regard by insiders.

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Opening of candidacies

The timing of Vermeires announcement was not decided at random. The KU Leuven's Election commission just released the schedule for 2025's rector elections. 

This happened, among other channels, via an e-mail sent to all students. Starting today, all full professors of KU Leuven can put forth their candidacy. Up to Tuesday, March 18, candidates can sign up officially. On April 2, the applications will be definitively confirmed by the election commission.

On Monday, May 12 and May 13, the first voting round will take place. The student population is in charge of ten percent of all votes, in accordance with a system of electors churned out by the student council (Stura).

Gastro-enterologist Severine Vermeire will put forth her candidacy for the position of rector in the upcoming elections. This makes her KU Leuven's third candidate. Furthermore, it makes her the second female candidate, following Tine Baelmans' candidature. Her election would make her the first female rector in six hundred years of Leuven's universitary history.

Vermeire says she wants to engage in conversation with all students, sectors and campuses about the future of the university, and to this end is planning to launch a public call. According to her, she wants to handle the university's diversity, to prepare it for future challenges.

Widespread support

Since 2020, Vermeire has been active as the research coordinator for the group of Biomedical Sciences. Contrary to her opponents vice rectors Tine Baelmans and Peter Lievens, she has no policy experience at the central organisational level of KU Leuven. She's also less widely known in the larger universitary context.

However, within her own ranks she's very highly valued due to her academic prestations and social abilities. She's held in high regard as a researcher, and is said to enjoy widespread support from her science group. "She's a world-class researcher, an excellent educator and possesses a lot of social intelligence", according to a professor from another group.

"You won't find someone who speaks badly of Severine Vermeire. Within our name, her name bears a lot of weight", says another professor from Biomedical Sciences. "She says the right things, does the right things, and might just surprise us all."

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